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How to Run a Blog for a WordPress E-commerce Site

By Catherine Waddell Jan18,2023
How to Run a Blog for a E-commerce Site

Ordering things online has revolutionised people’s purchase preferences, and e-commerce platforms and websites play a crucial role. E-commerce has been a vital part of our life as we order things daily, be it food, clothes, or any other goods.

E-commerce allows us to order items online, and without any hassle, you can get these goods delivered to your home. Creating your e-commerce website is easy because all you need is a domain name, web hosting and 50 minutes on your device. Setting up your eCommerce website on WordPress is easy and affordable.

Setting up a blog for your e-commerce website is reliable and can be done in less time but running it is pretty tricky, and when you’re handling an e-commerce website, blogging can bring different audiences to your website.

E-commerce platforms are a new wave to buying things online, and there are plenty of them, so if you’re looking forward to starting or struggling with running a blog for a WordPress eCommerce site, then make sure you read this post till the end.

Why Should You Blog for an e-Commerce Website?

You must be witnessing the drastic change in e-commerce where they’re putting out content and blogs to attract users and bring more audiences to the site, giving them an edge over other e-commerce websites. Posting blogs can be a good move for your website as it helps you get an audience, and at the same time, you build transparency for your users.

WordPress is the most accessible and most legit platform when it comes to content management, and it offers you various features for content marketing which Shopify Shopify can’t provide as a general e-commerce store. There’s no competition for it, so setting up your blog for WordPress eCommerce will be easier.

Think of your website as a running startup where you’re selling different things, but to make it trustworthy, you must contribute technical support, and writing blogs can help you with it. Blogs can be a medium to connect with them, and by talking about the topics, you can inform your audience about the new products you offer and how one should use them, and all the procedures can be done through blogs. A blog also helps you with conversions, and it can be a great way to rank your website.

One of the main elements which get fulfilled by blogging is the story. Telling you can write some beautiful blogs from your perspective, which will bring users, and also, if you have a robust system for your writing, then you can utilise social media to target your audience.

Social media keeps you connected with people, and if you’re offering something which will be a problem-solving thing for your user, then you’ll get customers for your goods. So there are many benefits of having a blog for your e-commerce website.

What Can Be Your Topics?

It doesn’t seem very easy to start a blog from scratch, but before that, you need to ensure that your website has an About section where you have a voice of yours which helps you build trust. CTA and SEO also play a significant role when it comes to blogging. You don’t need CTA in every post, but it’s essential to give them directions for your products. SEO plays a card where you need to post content which Google will handle, and it’ll bring the audience. You contribute a lot by writing blogs as it helps users to find you organically.

Giving links in your blog can be a wise move as it will be accessible and easy for your user to buy your products. You don’t need to get that tough on the blogs because it’s not that essential to post daily. The blogs are only a bridge to building transparency and bringing more customers. If you’re wondering what you should post, then there are some things you can inform through your blog:

    • How a specific product was made
    • How does it solve your problem
    • How to use your product
    • Tell your story and how you started the company
    • What is your vision for this company, and how will it add value to people’s lives?
    • The how-to blogs related to your products
    • Why choose you, and what are your plans for the company
    • How a product can be helpful for your day-to-day life
    • Sales and offers announcements.

Social Media Promotion and Word of Mouth

One of the main elements you shouldn’t miss is to spread word of mouth about your e-commerce blog, which will eventually gain you more audience as readers, which will be your customer for sure, so make sure your store has an excellent online presence for promotion.

When you’re creating a blog, you should create content which your audience shares. Spreading the word means informing and updating about it on your social networks, and by doing so, you’ll get recognition from your followers, and if your content is good enough, then your followers will share it too. All these tactics will help you to gain recognition, and even if you don’t get enough customers, you’ll be in people’s eyes, and your content will remind people about your products.

Try to Make More Sales by Storytelling

When you attach a story and emotion behind a product, you’ll be able to sell a feeling and not a product, so be good with your writing because it will contribute a lot to your sales. Blogs can only dictate a company story, so you need to give it a chance and start writing blogs for your e-commerce website.

Add it to the Top

When you’re creating a page for blogs, make sure it’s on the main menu, so people notice it. Make sure that your e-commerce blog is visible to your users with the same domain name so they’ll be able to read blogs without any hassle, and at the same time, make sure the blog is linked to the homepage, which will eventually give you reach on rankings.


The technical steps are way easier to follow, and it’s high time that you should start blogging for your e-commerce website and make the best out of it, as it will help you with better rankings, more traffic and more customers for your e-commerce website.

By Catherine Waddell

Catherine is a Digital Marketing Expert and Founder of She has been working on her own blogging projects which provide solutions to users in the field of Technology, Internet Knowledge, and "How to " based content. As an experienced Digital Marketer, She believes Content is everything online.

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