Fri. May 3rd, 2024

Speech to Text Software’s – The Benefits of Transcription Apps

By Catherine Waddell May5,2023
Speech to Text Software's - The Benefits of Transcription Apps

Have you ever heard about transcription? Are you able to transcribe some content manually? Of Course you have transcribed your notes, assignments in your school days by hearing from the teacher and writing it down in notebooks.

In this modern era transcription services are easily accessible as well as affordable for us. There are a lot of benefits of transcription for us. Transcripts help to keep business records, note making, help to organizations in office works, help in research work and so on. All these services were provided to us within a few hours without wasting that much time.

The Time has gone from Spending hours and hours transcribing long passages. Quick transcription services are available for us to save our time and money. Speech to text services make our transcription easy, effective and affordable.

If you are looking to transcribe your audios or videos into text form then this article is only for you. We will discuss all the aspects of transcription softwares which principles speech to text.

Get to Know Speech to Text Software

Speech to Text Software

Speech to text softwares are computer programmes which help us to convert our voice records, audio files into word documents or files. These are also known as automated speech recognition softwares (ASR). With the help of speech recognition technology these softwares translate sounds into documented formats.

Nowadays, Speech recognition technology has become part of our daily lives as we use so many devices like Alexa, Siri, Google assistant, mobile voice assistants etc. These technologies are now becoming more accessible as well as more affordable, cheap.

Benefits of Using Speech to Text Software

Speech to text software is a lot more beneficial for us in our business work, writing assignments, keeping records, transcription of call records, transcription of videos for YouTube, etc. In various businesses Employees always have to describe the product services, product descriptions, process, and so many other aspects. For that purpose, those software’s are very helpful. There are a lot of benefits of using speech to text softwares let’s discuss those benefits.

Boost Productivity

Boost Productivity

Speech to text softwares helps to boost your business productivity simply by saving your valuable time. These automated speech recognition softwares helps you to write down lengthy passages without actual physical typing.

For students it helps in texting their long assignments without wasting much time. Also they can make their notes in an easiest way

For persons who are in the legal profession this software helps them to transcribe all their letters, long notes without spending valuable time.

ASR softwares boosts productivity by facilitating multitasking. You are able to do your other works simultaneously with transcribing.

These are easily accessible as well as affordable and effective.

Convenient to Use

Convenient to Use

As we use our mobile device for a lot of work, this softwares provides convenience in transcription. You can use these softwares according to your need and available time. (ASR) automatic speech recognition software is easily available for desktops as well as in the form of mobile friendly applications. It can also offer you an alternative for your typing experience for word process, internet navigation within a second.



Today automatic speech recognition software(ASR) technology has become cheaper so speech to text softwares is also becoming affordable for us.

If you are looking for such an application or software for transcribing processes then you don’t have to take stress about budget. These are easily available for you. You just have to browse it for a good one, some are totally free for you.

Apple provided ASR technology within their devices for voice typing and texting. Apple users can easily use it for their transcribing process. Apple dictations are easily available for its Macs, laptop’s, and desktops.

For Windows desktop users there is a special tool for transcribing made by windows. Windows has its own inbuilt software for the purpose transcription. Windows users can easily transcribe their work easily, no matter what browser or application they are using.

Google also provides voice tying options into its Google docs for easy typing or to provide convenience in the transcription process. Google chrome also comes with these options for text editing. Anyone can make it’s speech notes easily by using these Google services.

Even though the transcribing services with automated technology come under cheap rates but have some limitations. As compared to human transcription ASR software’s are less effective. We have to fix some errors with software transcription solutions also.

For mobile users there are various applications for the transcription process. Some provide free of cost services and some are of paid versions also some provide human transcription services with effectiveness.

Fast Service

Fast Service

Speech to text softwares works faster and provides us great results. These have fast processing methods even though some apps can transcript long passages within a minute.

Along with fast service sometimes they give results with less accuracy. The quality of audio affects the transcribing process. Poor audio quality results in texting errors or spelling errors. Background noise also gives less effective results sometimes if the audio contains more than one speaker this can also be a part of concern.

Effective SEO Content

Effective SEO Content

Transcription with ASR helps to produce SEO optimized content. ASR makes content that can be searched easily on search engines. Transcription allows the search engines to get keywords and publish it to the audience. Podcasters specially get benefits from the SEO optimization. Videos published with well optimized transcribed content give more benefits.


Transcription process is complex and takes a lot of time to do it manually. Speech to text softwares helps us to save our valuable time. By correctly using it we can transcript our long passages, official documents, call records, business docs, etc Easily and conveniently. There is a lot of software available on the internet. You will get free transcribing services as well as paid. Paid tools promise to provide accurate content. For saving your valuable time you can get any of these transcribing services and feel free, do other important work at the same time. Now you are better known about transcription services, speech to text softwares, it’s benefits and much more. So consider all the above mentioned benefits before transcribing.

By Catherine Waddell

Catherine is a Digital Marketing Expert and Founder of She has been working on her own blogging projects which provide solutions to users in the field of Technology, Internet Knowledge, and "How to " based content. As an experienced Digital Marketer, She believes Content is everything online.

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